Travel Tip for Easier Bedtime

for more resources like this, check out these other movement mama posts:
Tips for Traveling From A Mama of 2
Baby + Toddler Travel-Safe Toys


I don’t even want to tell you how many times we got to our destination unexpectedly late and I was scrambling through suitcases trying to find everything we needed to get our kids to sleep.

Putting everything all in one spot has made an immense difference in our ease during nap or bedtimes while away + it’s SO nice when we get home to have one spot to look to get everything ready for snooze town instead of unpacking everything immediately (sorry to my immediate unpacker friends. I appreciate you!)

Here’s what’s in our Sleep-To-Go bag:

- Sound machines (we love this one because it’s a built in night light/ok-to-wake clock, but we’ve also been using our new 3rd Generation Yoto (discount applied at that link) that has an ok-to-wake clock in prep for using our Hatch for baby #3. I love that our Yoto can wake the kids up with their fun daily podcast Yoto Daily and they can listen and be entertained for a few minutes while I prep for them to come out of their room)

- Monitor cameras + chargers + receiver

- Our @guavafamily pack n play + slumberpod (discount applied at checkout) for total blackout sleep for our littlest

- Unfortunately, our @sleepout portable blackout curtain wasn’t working as well as we had hoped, so we’ve now switched to these nontoxic blackout curtains + travel adhesive and I will never go back—that pack of adhesive will easily last you years!

- Jammies

- Toothbrushes + neurotoxin-free toothpaste (code movement10 for a discount)

- Loveys

- Overnight diapers (my fave for absorption and safer ingredients is @mymilliemoon and )

Now that our kiddos are toddlers, I use just a simple backpack to pack all of these, but when we were formerly packing their pack n play + slumberpod, I cinched everything up in this massive bag and on the return trip would throw all our dirty clothes in there too!

what are your favorite travel hacks? i’m all ears as we prep for baby #3!


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