Rainboots for New Walkers: A Pediatric PT’s Guide

If your kid faceplants like it’s their job. Or walks like a ballerina on their tiptoes. Or slaps their feet with a pitter patter percussion. Or is just generally clumsy, like yours truly, this post is for you!

As parents we have so much to be worrying about and as therapists, we feel bad giving too much “homework”. One of my favorite ways to encourage heel strike/dorsiflexion strength (aka the ability to walk with a normal gait and not catch their toe) is to have parents put their kiddos in rain boots, snow boots, or swim flippers.

Rain boots encourage walking with the heels down and toes up, building endurance for this skill that will translate over time to a typical walking pattern without the added weight of the boots.⁣⁣

(Because I know you’re dying to know, these rain boots are from Ten Little —one of my favorite minimalist shoe brands)

Here is what you need to keep in mind while shopping for a good rainboot. Remember, it’s important to NOT size up shoes! I share more about that in this post, but this is especially important for children who are already prone to tripping over their toes!

-Pull Loop: This will make it so much easier to get those little feet into the shoe. It can also be great to encourage independence as they can help pull their shoe up!

-Waterproof: Self-explanatory… There will be puddle jumping at every opportunity!

-Firm Heel Cup: This is to keep their foot from sliding around in the shoe. This is another reason why it’s so important that you’re getting the right fit for your child’s foot. Take a look at this post for tips on measuring little feet!

-Flexible Sole: While you do need a firm heel cup, you also need to look for a flexible sole that will allow the shoe to bend, encouraging follow through with that heel to toe movement.

-Grip on Sole: Wet pavement can be very slippery! Find a good grippy sole for the best outcome!

-Wide Toe Box: I went into more detail about how important a wide toe box is for ALL shoes in this post, and it’s still just as important when looking at rainboots!

-Calf Height: The ideal rainboot should hit right around mid-calf. This allows for normal ankle movement. Anything taller could prevent natural movement and further impede walking.

And while we’re talking about puddle-splashing, you’ve got to check out these waterproof suits! We have LOVED these for mud/puddle play to protect their clothes!

You can shop some of my favorite rainboots directly from my Amazon Storefront. But below are my community’s absolute faves.

Was this helpful?! Tag me @themovementmama on Instagram so I can see your little puddle-splashing cuties rocking these boots!

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Why I Suggest Not Sizing Up Your Toddler's Shoes


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